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Journal Publications 53. Jia Chen, Zhengyu Zhang, Eitan Hershkovitz, Jonathan Poplawsky, Raja Shekar Bhupal Dandu, Chang-Yu Hung, Wenbo Wang, Yi Yao, Lin Li, Hongliang Xin, Honggyu Kim, and Wenjun Cai*, “Selective Oxidation and Nickel Enrichment Hinders the Repassivation Kinetics of Multi-Principal Element Alloy Surfaces”, Acta Materialia (2024) 263, 119490. 52. Zhengyu Zhang, Raja Shekar Bhupal Dandu, Edwin Eyram Klu and Wenjun Cai*, “A Review on Tribocorrosion Behavior of Aluminum Alloys: From Fundamental Mechanisms to Alloy Design Strategies”, Corrosion and Materials Degradation, 4, 594–622 (2023). 51. Wenbo Wang, Sina Izadi, Hesham Mraied, Chuang Deng, and Wenjun Cai*, “Evolution of residual stress and interface coherency and their impact on deformation mechanisms in Al/Ti multilayers”, Journal of Materials Science, (2023) 50. Ebenezer O. Fanijo, Joseph G. Thomas, Yizheng Zhu, Wenjun Cai, Alexander S. Brand, “In situ quantitative topographic measurement and corrosion behaviour of low carbon steel in chloride solutions”, Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 599-613 (2023), 49. Yi Yao, Zhengyu Zhang, Wenjun Cai*, Lin Li, “Atomistic investigations of Cr effect on the deformation mechanisms and mechanical properties of CrCoFeNi alloys”, Journal of Applied Physics, 133, 195103 (2023), 48. Wenbo Wang, Micheal Kattoura, Stan Bovid, Zhengyu Zhang, David Lahrman, Wenjun Cai*, “Effects of nanosecond laser shock peening on residual stress, corrosion and tribocorrosion behavior of WE43 magnesium alloys”, Wear, 524–525 (2023) 204866, 47. Kaiwen Wang, Zhengyu Zhang, Raja Shekar B Dandu, Wenjun Cai*, “Understanding Tribocorrosion of Aluminum at the Crystal Level”, Acta Materialia, 245 (2023) 118639 46. Cheolhei Lee, Kaiwen Wang, Jianguo Wu, Wenjun Cai, Xiaowei Yue, “Partitioned active learning for heterogeneous systems”, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 23 (2023), 041009 45. Ebenezer O Fanijo, Joseph G Thomas, Yizheng Zhu, Wenjun Cai, Alexander S Brand, “Surface Characterization Techniques: A Systematic Review of their Principles, Applications, and Perspectives in Corrosion Studies”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, (2022) 169 111502. DOI 10.1149/1945-7111/ac9b9b 44. Zhengyu Zhang, Yi Yao, Liping Liu, Tianyou Mou, Hongliang Xinc, Lin Li, and Wenjun Cai*, “Computational Design of Non-Equiatomic CoCrFeNi Alloys Towards Optimized Strength and Corrosion Resistance”, Journal of Materials Research, (2022). 43. Wenbo Wang, Senam Tamakloe, Zhifei Deng, Ling Li, Wenjun Cai*, Kathy Lu, “Effects of processing temperature on the corrosion and tribocorrosion resistance of perhydropolysilazane-derived coatings on AISI 304 steel”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 439 (2022) 128463 42. Kaiwen Wang, Wenjun Cai*, Hui Tian, Charles E Reece, “Finite Element Modeling of Electrochemical Polishing of Niobium in Hydrofluoric-Sulfuric Acid Electrolyte”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 169 (2022) 063507, 41. Ebenezer O. Fanijo, Joseph G. Thomas, Yizheng Zhu, Javier Esquivel Guerrero, Niamh C. Hosking, Wenjun Cai, F. Marc Michel, Alexander S. Brand, “Quantitative measurement of corrosion at the nanoscale by in situ spectral modulation interferometry”, Materials Characterization 189 (2022) 111992, 40. Jia Chen, Tse-Ming Chiu and Wenjun Cai*, “Effects of Magnetic Field on the Corrosion Behaviors of A572 Steel in NaCl Aqueous Solution”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, (2022), 39. Jia Chen, Jianwei Xiao, Chang-Yu Hung, Wenbo Wang, Jing Zhao, F. Marc Michel, Chuang Deng, and Wenjun Cai*, “Effects of Alloying Concentration on the Aqueous Corrosion and Passivation of Aluminum-Manganese-Molybdenum Concentrated Alloys”, Corrosion Science, 198 (2022) 110137, 38. W. Wang, C-Y Hung, L. Howe, J. Chen, K. Wang, V. X. Ho, S. Lenahan, M. Murayama, N. Q. Vinh, W. Cai*, “Enabling High-Performance Surfaces of Biodegrade Magnesium Alloys via Femtosecond Laser Shock Peening with Ultra-low Pulse Energy”, ACS Applied Bio Materials, (2022), 37. X. Sun, W. Cai, M. Li, “A hierarchical modeling approach for degradation data with mixed-type covariates and latent heterogeneity”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety 216, 107928 (2021) 36. Y. Chen, Q. Zhang, M. Li, W. Cai, “Sequential selection for accelerated life testing via approximate Bayesian inference”, Naval Research Logistics, (2021) 35. K. Wang and W. Cai*, “Modeling the Effects of Individual Layer Thickness and Orientation on the Tribocorrosion Behavior of Al/Cu Nanostructured Metallic Multilayers”, Wear 477, 203849 (2021), 34. Y. Wang, K. Wang, W. Cai, X. Yue, “NP-ODE: Neural Process Aided Ordinary Differential Equations for Uncertainty Quantification of Finite Element Analysis” IISE Transactions, (2021) 33. W. Wang, K. Wang, Z. Zhang, J. Chen, T. Mou, F. Marc Michel, H. Xin, W. Cai*, “Ultrahigh tribocorrosion resistance of metals enabled by nano-layering”, Acta Materialia 206, 116609 (2021) 32. R. Griffiths, D. Garcia, J. Song, V. Vasudevan, M. Steiner, W. Cai, H. Yu, “Solid-state additive manufacturing of aluminum and copper using additive friction stir deposition: Process-microstructure linkages”, Materialia 15, 100967 (2021) 31. K. Wang, Y. Wang, X. Yue, W, Cai*, “Multiphysics modeling and uncertainty quantification of tribocorrosion in aluminum alloys”, Corrosion Science 178, 109095 (2021) 30. S. Gollapudi, W, Cai, S. Patibanda, K. Rajulapati, L. Neelakantan, “Correlating corrosion inhibition to grain size in electrodeposited Ni-18Co”, Emergent Materials (2020) 29. S. Jiang, D. Patel, J. Kim, S. Yang, W. Mills, Y. Zhang, K. Wang, Z. Feng, S. Vijayan, W. Cai, et al., “Spatially expandable fiber-based probes as a multifunctional deep brain interface”, Nature Communications 11, 6115 (2020) 28. W. Wang, H. Mraied, W. Diyatmika, J. P. Chu, L. Li, W. Cai*, “Effects of Nanoscale Chemical Heterogeneity on the Wear, Corrosion, and Tribocorrosion Resistance of Zr-based Thin Film Metallic Glasses”, Surface and Coatings Technology 402, 126324 (2020) 27. N. Yang, W. Wang, W. Cai, K. Lu, “Corrosion and tribocorrosion mitigation of perhydropolysilazane-derived coatings on low carbon steel”, Corrosion Science 177, 108946 (2020) 26. Y. Zhong, Q Feng, X. Wang, J. Chen, W. Cai, R. Tong, “Functionalized Polyesters via Electrochemical Stereoselective Ring-Opening Polymerization of O-Carboxyanhydrides”, ACS Macro Letters 9, 1114 (2020) 25. J. Chen, J. Xiao, J. Poplawsky, F. M. Michel, C. Deng, W. Cai*, “The Origin of Passivity in Aluminum-Manganese Solid Solutions”, Corrosion Science 173, 108749 (2020) 24. Y Yao, K. Wang, X. Wang*, L. Li*, W. Cai*, S. Kelly, N. Esparragoza, M. Rosser, F. Yan, “Microstructural heterogeneity and mechanical anisotropy of 18Ni-330 maraging steel fabricated by selective laser melting: the effect of build orientation and height”, Journal of Materials Research 14, 2065 (2020) 23. E. Medvedovski, G. L. Mendoza, M. Roghani, W. Cai, R. W. Hendricks, “Flow Accelerated Corrosion – Comparison of Performance of Carbon Steel and Steel with Iron Boride Coating”, Advanced Engineering Materials 2000354 (2019) 22. H. T. Tran, T. Do, and W. Cai*, “Mitigating Early Fracture of Amorphous Metallic Thin Films on Flexible Substrates by Tuning Substrate Roughness and Buffer Layer Properties”, Thin Solid Films 689, 137493 (2019) 21. W. Cai*, P. Bellon, A.J. Beaudoin, “Probing the Subsurface Lattice Rotation Dynamics in Bronze after Sliding Wear”, Scripta Materialia 172, 6 (2019) 20. H. Mraied, W. Wang, W. Cai*, “Influence of Chemical Heterogeneity and Microstructure on the Corrosion Resistance of Biodegradable WE43 Magnesium Alloys”, Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2019) 19. J. Chen and W. Cai*, “Effect of Scratching Frequency on the Tribocorrosion Resistance of Al-Mn Amorphous Thin Films”, Wear 426–427, 30, 1457 (2019) 18. W. Cai*, P. Bellon, “Effect of Annealing Treatment on the Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of Copper”, Wear 426–427, 30, 1187 (2019) 17. S. Holland, X. Wang, J. Chen, W. Cai, F Yan, L. Li, “Multiscale characterization of microstructures and mechanical properties of Inconel 718 fabricated by selective laser melting”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 784, 182-194 (2019) 16. J. Chen, H. Mraied, W. Cai*, “Determining Tribocorrosion Rate and Wear-Corrosion Synergy of Bulk and Thin Film Aluminum Alloys”, Journal of Visualized Experiments 139, e58235 (2018) 15. X. Sun, H. Mraied, W. Cai, Q. Zhang, G. Liang, M. Li, “Bayesian latent degradation performance modeling and quantification of corroding aluminum alloys”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety 178, 84 (2018) 14. S. Shityakov, N. Roewer, C. Forster, H. T. Tran, W. Cai, and J. Broscheit, “Investigation of Crystalline and Amorphous Forms of Aluminum and Its Alloys: Computational Modeling and Experiment”, NANO 13, 1850026 (2018) 13. H. Mraied, W. Cai*, “The effects of Mn concentration on the tribocorrosion resistance of Al–Mn alloys”, Wear 380, 191 (2017) 12. H.T. Tran, H. Mraied, S. Izadi, A.A. Volinsky, W. Cai*, “Optimizing ductility and fracture of amorphous metal thin films on polyimide using multilayers”, International Journal of Fracture 204, 129 (2017) 11. H. Mraied, W. Cai*, A.A. Sagüés, “Corrosion resistance of Al and Al–Mn thin films”, Thin Solid Films 615, 391 (2016) 10. H. Mraied, H.T. Tran, W. Cai*, “Fabrication and deformation of aluminum-manganese microsandwich structure”, Journal of Materials Research 31, 480 (2016) 9. H. T. Tran, J. Devkota, T. Eggers, J. Wingo, W. Cai*, I. Skorvanek, H. Srikanth, M.H. Phan, “Anisotropic mechanical and giant magneto-impedance properties of cobalt-rich amorphous ribbons”, Journal of Electronic Materials 45, 2278 (2016) 8. S. Izadi, H. Mraied, W. Cai*, “Tribological and mechanical behavior of nanostructured Al/Ti multilayers”, Surface and Coatings Technology 275, 374 (2015) 7. W. Cai* and C.A. Schuh, “Microstructure and mechanical properties of electrodeposited Al1-xMnx/Al1-yMny nanostructured multilayers”, Journal of Materials Research 29, 2229 (2014) 6. W. Cai* and P. Bellon, “Subsurface microstructure evolution and deformation mechanism of Ag-Cu eutectic alloy after dry sliding wear”, Wear 303, 602 (2013) 5. T.J. Rupert, W. Cai, C.A. Schuh, “Abrasive wear response of nanocrystalline Ni-W alloys across the Hall-Petch breakdown”, Wear 120, 298–299 (2013) 4. W. Cai and C.A. Schuh, “Tuning nano-scale grain size distribution in multilayered Al-Mn alloys”, Scripta Materialia 66, 194 (2012) 3. W. Cai and P. Bellon, “Microstructure self-organization triggered by twin boundaries during dry sliding wear”, Acta Materialia 60, 6673 (2012) 2. W. Cai*, J. Mabon, P. Bellon, “Crystallographic textures and texture transitions induced by sliding wear in bronze and nickel”, Wear 267, 485 (2009) 1. J.B. Singh, W. Cai, P. Bellon, “Dry sliding of Cu–15wt%Ni–8wt%Sn bronze: Wear behavior and microstructure”, Wear 263, 830 (2007) Patents 1. A. Waqar and W. Cai, “Electrodeposition of Al-Ni alloys and Al/Ni multilayer structures”, US Patent App. 15/749,165, 2018. 2. H. Mraied and W. Cai, “Electrodeposition of metal microstructures”, US Patent App. 14/935,398, 2018. 3. W. Cai and C.A. Schuh, “Tuning nano-scale grain size distribution in multilayered alloys, including Al-Mn and similar alloys”, WO Patent 2013/066454, 2013. |